Tuesday 10 November 2015

Depth Image bank

 This image is an example of shallow depth of field. I find this one inspiring because you can see the small object in the foreground and in the background there is the actual Eiffel tower yet is blurred out. I would like the recreate this image because it's as if the object has been copied and only one is in focus. This would have a very low F-stop- perhaps 5.6 because the background is so blurred and there wouldn't be a need for much light as the object that needs to be in focus if close to the camera.
 This is another example of Shallow depth of field because only the bubble is in focus. I really like this image because the bubble is positioned directly in the middle. I also like the clearness of the bubble and would like to recreate this in some form. Again with the image above it would most like have an F-stop as around 5.6.

 Again, I really like this photo because the actual building its self yet the reflection in the water is clear.  I find this inspiring because the building doesn't need to be in focus for people to know what it looks like. Another reason I like this image is because the whole photo is a narrow depth of field yet the water reflection is almost a wide depth of field and you can see much more of the surrounding. This image would also have a very low F-stop because there isn't a need for much light to be used- just for the object in the foreground.

 I find this photo inspiring because of the simplicity of the depth of field. The flowers are in the foreground and are in focus yet the people and the benches are out of focus. I would like to recreate this image because I really like the beauty portrayed in the flowers. As the background isn't as blurry- the F-stop would be low but not as low as 5.6- perhaps 7 or 8.
 This photo is a wide depth of field, unlike the ones above. I find this image inspiring because you can see a lot more of the surroundings. I also like the pattern aspect of this photo. Due to this being a wide depth of field this would have a very high F-stop, most probably F22.
I personally really like waterfalls and find them very calming. The use of wide depth of field and wide angle frame showing the entire waterfall. The fact you can see the bottom and the way to the vanishing point makes this a very inspiring image to me. Obviously i can't recreate this image in town, but would like to use this aspect in maybe a landscape photo. This also would have a very high F-stop maybe 20 because everything is in focus expect the movement of the water

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