Thursday 21 January 2016

Print conventions

The ratio comes up hen you are on the crop tool in the top left hand corner.

When printing we need it at 300 DPI


Tuesday 19 January 2016

4th plinth work diary 19th January 2016

During the lesson on Tuesday 19th January 2016 I captured images of an object within the studio and then edited them onto photos I shot at the weekend. I wanted to do an image out of the box and I thought, "If someone was to see something in the street what would be the strangest and oddest thing for them to see?" This is why I chose my object to be a dinosaur. Although when I came to editing, I wanted to make is a realistic as a dinosaur in London can be. I came across this by making sure the tone and colour of the object fitted in with the surrounding image. This meant changing the curves and saturation of the object layer.

A photo from today that I like…

I only managed to create 2 photos, This is my favourite one that I have. The reason I like this is because I feel that it looks as if it's really there. I spent much more time on this one than the other one so maybe thats why I prefer it. Alongside changing the curves around making it a bit darker and changing the saturation. I used the brush tool and painted over the darker bits- alongside burning the shadow parts.

A photo from today that I don't like...

This is the other image I create during todays lesson, although I do not like this one as much as I do with the one above, this is partly due to the fact I put a green object on a patch of green grass. Also, the colouring doesn't fit in, it stands out to much- almost as if a green screen. I also don't like how crowed this image is, the dinosaur is covering over people and it's just to cramped and too much to look at.


To improve on my work, I would like to experiment with more objects to place within my images. Examples of objects I could use are shown here...

4th plinth straight images

To create my 4th plinth image I placed my chosen object- a dinosaur- on to a photo I took at the weekend at London. As I shot the dinosaur in the studio, it was quite bright, but where I wanted it in the photo, everywhere was shadowed so it didn't look right. So to solve this I put masks on my layer such as curves and changing the saturation. This made the dinosaur much dark and more "in place". When I selected the object it originally had a line from the background all the way around it, to result this problem I used a feather to ease away this line. 

Research photographers 4th plinth Cedric Delsaux

Cedric Delsaux was born in 1974 and for 10 years he traveled the boarder increasingly fine line between fiction and reality. We can see this from his work. Especially the shown in this post of a building and darth-vader editing in. May of the photos I came across consisted on a supernatural editing. Many showing a theme of star wars. Even with cloone troopers or darth-vader. Delsaux work is very intresting and intriguing- these photos were taken in Paris, an almost capture events of star wars in real life, revealing how our perception of the city goes through the filter of fiction. This series was called "The dark lens"- wuite catchy i suppose seeing as it's "The dark lord"... It almost blurs reality with fiction- what's real and what's not? I've came across a variety of his work, even though I am not a fan of star wars or supernatural things, for some reason his work appeals to me. Especially the foggy one with a shadow. I like this one because it could simply be a building or a group of trees, although it's connotation due to the angle could be a monster towering over these roads. Or the question of is this object actually there? Or was it just edited?
I like this image of his work because at first glimpse it looks like a simple forest road on a snowy day. Although looking closer you can see an object which is out of place and shouldn't normally be there. 

4th plinth definition

The forth plinth is the northwest plinth in Trafalgar square, It was originally for a statue of William I.V, it remained empty due to insufficient funds, therefore a different piece of art work is placed there- something that is out of place, such as a giant blue turkey.

Composite/ manipulation 4th plinth ideas


A shoe- I was going to pick a shoe because I though it would have been a weird thing that you would see in a shopping centre. Although I didn't end up choosing this because it
A dinosaur
A lipstick
A teddy

Monday 18 January 2016

Landscape Rut Blees Luxemburg work diary 16th January 2016

After the lesson on the 14th January 2016, I set myself the task to take photos inspired by Rut Blees Luxemburg, as shown on my blog research of her work. This meant to go out a night and capture buildings. I done my shoot in London as I was already planning to go there anyway, it just meant me spending the day till night there. However, what I did not know what there was a light event going on which meant the streets were so busy and I was being pushed left right and center when trying to take my photos. I liked taking these photos, although unlike my shoot on Thursday, I wasn't able to use a tripod so my photos are either really dark, or they came out blurry. However I did manage to get a few photos which I quite like.

A photo I like...
 I actually really like this photo because I think it's positioned right on the corner. I also like how the lights inside the building are in rows- non of the bottom lights are on, then all the middle ones are on, then all the top ones aren't. I also like how the outdoor spot lights on the bottom show how this is late at night. Additionally the colouring of the lights give a sort of old tone. After I edit this, it should resemble Rut Blees work better. I really like how this photo works.

A photo I don't like...
I don't really like this photo purely because of the angle. I think if I was able to capture it further away and the whole building it would like much better. Also it is on a slight tilt, which I don't like, I think this would have been better if a tripod was used. However in the conditions I was in with the amount of people, putting out a tripod would have done much more damage and been a safety problem as people would have more than likely tripped over it.

I really like Rut Blees Luxemburg's technique of taking her photos at night. I would like to progress in her work by exploring different landscapes at night. Examples of ways I could progress are shown below.

Progression put in place…

Landscape Rut Blees Luxemburg straight images


Landscape Rut Blees Luxemburg Contact Sheet

Landscape Ansel Adams work diary 14th January 2016

During today's lesson, I took on my research from the lesson on Tuesday as inspiration and went out in town to take photos in Ansel Adam's style. I really like his technique of taking would look like simple images, putting a black and white filter on it, burning a part of it, and it looks so intriguing. I also used a tripod for this lesson, one of the first times I have actually done this, apart from in the studio. This made my images so much better! (well in my opinion anyway) This is because it meant I was able to show straight lines and depth very clearly and easily as I could position my camera straight.

A photo from today's shoot that I like...
I really like this image from today's shoot because I like the straight lines and the depth portraying in this. I also like how the graffiti creates a run down look. This was a really dreary day and it was really cold, this is why I think the black and white effect works really well.

A photo from today's shoot that I don't like...
 I don't really like this image because I think the burning of the image didn't work well at all and should have been at the bottom of the photo instead of the side. I also don't like how it's head on yet the main building in the photo is slanted. If I was going to get the "ultimate" head on photo, I would have needed everything to be straight even that building. It would also be better if it was in the middle more.

Even though these images can count as landscapes, I do not think they relate to Ansel Adams as much as I had wanted, this is because his images captures things such as mountains. Although, the number of mountains are pretty low in Harlow, so old run down building was the best I could really do. However if I were able to do so, I would like to take photos relating to Ansel Adams much more! For example a beach or a forest. I also like skyline landscapes images so would like to include this in my work. Example of progression are shown below.

Progression put in place...