Monday 18 January 2016

Landscape Rut Blees Luxemburg work diary 16th January 2016

After the lesson on the 14th January 2016, I set myself the task to take photos inspired by Rut Blees Luxemburg, as shown on my blog research of her work. This meant to go out a night and capture buildings. I done my shoot in London as I was already planning to go there anyway, it just meant me spending the day till night there. However, what I did not know what there was a light event going on which meant the streets were so busy and I was being pushed left right and center when trying to take my photos. I liked taking these photos, although unlike my shoot on Thursday, I wasn't able to use a tripod so my photos are either really dark, or they came out blurry. However I did manage to get a few photos which I quite like.

A photo I like...
 I actually really like this photo because I think it's positioned right on the corner. I also like how the lights inside the building are in rows- non of the bottom lights are on, then all the middle ones are on, then all the top ones aren't. I also like how the outdoor spot lights on the bottom show how this is late at night. Additionally the colouring of the lights give a sort of old tone. After I edit this, it should resemble Rut Blees work better. I really like how this photo works.

A photo I don't like...
I don't really like this photo purely because of the angle. I think if I was able to capture it further away and the whole building it would like much better. Also it is on a slight tilt, which I don't like, I think this would have been better if a tripod was used. However in the conditions I was in with the amount of people, putting out a tripod would have done much more damage and been a safety problem as people would have more than likely tripped over it.

I really like Rut Blees Luxemburg's technique of taking her photos at night. I would like to progress in her work by exploring different landscapes at night. Examples of ways I could progress are shown below.

Progression put in place…

1 comment:

  1. The final image that you posted is really strong well done...
