Tuesday 19 January 2016

4th plinth work diary 19th January 2016

During the lesson on Tuesday 19th January 2016 I captured images of an object within the studio and then edited them onto photos I shot at the weekend. I wanted to do an image out of the box and I thought, "If someone was to see something in the street what would be the strangest and oddest thing for them to see?" This is why I chose my object to be a dinosaur. Although when I came to editing, I wanted to make is a realistic as a dinosaur in London can be. I came across this by making sure the tone and colour of the object fitted in with the surrounding image. This meant changing the curves and saturation of the object layer.

A photo from today that I like…

I only managed to create 2 photos, This is my favourite one that I have. The reason I like this is because I feel that it looks as if it's really there. I spent much more time on this one than the other one so maybe thats why I prefer it. Alongside changing the curves around making it a bit darker and changing the saturation. I used the brush tool and painted over the darker bits- alongside burning the shadow parts.

A photo from today that I don't like...

This is the other image I create during todays lesson, although I do not like this one as much as I do with the one above, this is partly due to the fact I put a green object on a patch of green grass. Also, the colouring doesn't fit in, it stands out to much- almost as if a green screen. I also don't like how crowed this image is, the dinosaur is covering over people and it's just to cramped and too much to look at.


To improve on my work, I would like to experiment with more objects to place within my images. Examples of objects I could use are shown here...

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