Friday 1 January 2016

Documentary photography My life

My life...
My life isn't the most exciting one, like most people I spend my time sleeping, eating, working and repeating. So for my photo documentary, I decided to take images of where I have spent my life growing up. Alongside taking photos in Waltham Abbey, I decided it couldn't be a documentary of my life with out my favorite thing to capture, nature! Personally I find animals, flowers and landscapes the best to take photos of, so I thought I should show you Waltham Abbey and a mixture of different things which make up myself.

Shutter Speed: 1/125
Fstop: 4.5
Monday mornings at work are delivery days, I
was put in to help on Monday 28th, so I thought I would take photos on my way, considering I'm not normally up to see the sunrise, this was a good photo opportunity. This first photo was set out just to be a photo of my phone showing the time and the crooked mile in the morning. Although when taking it, a streetlight came into frame, the decisive moment of this picture was pure luck and it almost looks like the sun rising. the focus was purposely positioned on the phone and I like how this effected the street light.

Shutter speed: 1/125
Fstop: 4.5

When we got to town, the sky looked so beautiful and I couldn't resit taking a photo of this and I had to include this because sunrise/sets are my favorite things to watch. Just by looking at this, you can create a story with depending on how you look at it. Although I personally just wanted to document how beautiful the sky can look when it's not covered in grey dreary clouds. The use of colour in this image is very intriguing because two long clouds cross over, almost as if reaching for each other.

Shutter speed: 1/125
Fstop: 9.0

After finishing work at 12, it was time to go back home, although like normal, there was an accident towards the crooked mile, so have my camera on me, I decided to document the traffic seeing as we were sat there for so long.  The use of lines in this image is very important because even though it's not a basic line, it's a line of cars and it leads your eyes across the frame. Also, depth is used quite well here as the cars get smaller, the focus is lost.

Shutter speed: 1/125
Fstop: 9.0
Using reflection and reflection in a frame, I produced this image. My idea for this photo was to have another car in the reflection, to produce a decisive moment. Although I didn't want the car to be really close, so as we passed a turn, I waited for a car to appear, when I got this photo. I positioned the wing mirror in the center of the image because unlike other images, I think this one would have work better in the middle and there wasn't really anything behind it so it would have been lost.

Considering it's winter, trees are already blossoming so I thought this was a good thing I could document. Seeing as global warming is becoming more and more of a danger to our earth, it's having an effect on our nature. If the trees are already blossoming, whats going to happen in spring when all the trees have already blossomed? Although, blossom is really pretty is I just had to take a photo of it. This part of the photo documentary shows the change we are coming across. I purposely blurred the background which was the rest of the branches to show how our nature is slowly becoming out of sight.

Shutter speed: 1/20
Fstop: 8.0
Like the one above, this image was taken to document the damage on nature that we are having, although I placed the main building in Waltham Abbey in the background- the Abbey church. Although I wanted it to be blurred because as it's very old, it's almost as if everyone is losing their history, forgetting what was the original- losing touch of their past. I thought this was an important thing to document as it's pretty much the same where ever you go, people are forgetting what's important. 

When exploring ideas online, I came across something called a bokeh and I just had to try it really. With it being Christmas I
though it was the best time to do so. Even though I had a main Christmas tree, I decided to to this on a small one in my room because I was able to get the whole tree in. Some people may not like this as it's all out of focus, although I think this is a really good way to show how people are forgetting what Christmas is really about, it's being blurred away. The reason I included this in my "my life" documentary is because I personally love Christmas and believe it's a beautiful time of year.

Like the image above, I wanted to use a bokeh of the Christmas tree, yet this time, with my cat in focus.  I believe this is important of my life because I was unable to take photos of my actual family to show you, so the best I could do was share one of my cats, although my pets are my animals as well.

1 comment:

  1. Fern... in viewing your photographs I don't think that you are doing them justice with regards to the work diary.. You should reflect on your concept to photographing a typical day between the commute to work and home... The photographs record this your day only has two images and they don't reflect story.. Please discuss this with me and whether you might shoot a few (not many) more...
