Thursday 7 January 2016

Composite/ manipulated images

My view of image manipulating: When an image is manipulated, such as removing blemishes from a portrait, I believe it can be a good thing, although if you want to capture a photo, I think editing changes the whole point of the photo, your changing what you actually captured. For example if you edit a landscape, such as editing a part of it out, it changes the point/ what the landscape really looks like.

The actual meaning for image manipulating: photo manipulation is transforming a photograph into a desire image.

The ethics of image manipulating: young girls may look at magazines and want to look liker hat, although it's not real, even that per on doesn't look like that. It makes a false hope for teens. Although, if you were to capture a photo from an event such as a tourist attack, the newspaper may need to edit part out to make it suitable for the viewers

Manipulated images are used in magazines, the can be used to exaggerate a part of a portrait, for example if its a close up, they can exaggerate the eyes, make them more bolder, along side you can take out the blemishes. You can also use manipulated images to put something where it is completely out of place, which would be used in art exhibits. For example, a massive duck in the middle of a town. It can also be used in animated movies, where only part is animated, for example scooby doo films- scoody doo is clearly not there but it is manipulated for him to be there.

When it is used:
Fashion industry
surrealist photography
journalism/ news
Nature photography
fine art

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