Thursday 7 January 2016

Manipulated images image bank

When researching, most of the images I come across are rather amusing, take this one for example, an over sized bird ice skating with tiny ice skating boots. This is a really good example of manipulating images because it is out of the ordinary. I like this image as well because it's clearly not meant to be there, yet for some bizarre reason it works.  

This is another image I had to include because I love the way this person has used the manipulating skill to show a fish- in its natural habitat, yet the on it's back there's an island. I really like this image because the fish is over sized and it all fits. 

Even though this is a much more simpler manipulation compared to the 2 images I have picked above, although I still really like it. I really like converse shoes and the way they have manipulated it is very interesting- it is like it's splashed away.   

This is one of my top favorites in this blog post because I like how it's such a simple idea, yet it's so amusing. The manipulation of the man using a lawn mower put onto a man with a beard, is such a good idea, I also hope to recreate this image in some way.  

The reason I chose this image is because it is a good example of a bold manipulation image. This is because they have put a women on top of a building- the size of this women is obviously inhuman, so I really like how the have photo-shopped her in and the lighting makes it look like she's really there.

I like this image and find it inspiring because I have seen many photos manipulated in this way and would like to do the same. I think the way the face is put on the hands is really interesting. 

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