Tuesday 10 November 2015

Depth Definitions

Shallow Depth of field:

For example, in this image, the
hand is in focus yet the rest of the
body is not.
For example, the focus is on the rain drop
and the leaves around are blurred.
Googles meaning: This is when one element of the photo is in focus and the surrounding parts are blurred out.

My own meaning: Close up objects are normal used in shallow depth of field because it creates depth with in the photo yet is just it is close up.

The F-stop on Shallow Depth of field photos are very low because as much light isn't needed to capture the key image- the closer object in the foreground is normally the subject in focus. Although there are images where the foreground is blurred and the background isn't- this would use a higher F-stop yet would still be rather low, being around 7-10.

Depth of field:
A characteristic of a camera that can be used to enhance the depth of field means the sharp area surrounding the point of focus. the magnitude of the shape area.
The closer the subject to the camera, the more shallow the depth of field.

This is an example of Wide Depth Of Field
because the whole street is in clear view
and also the focus on the entire
image is very clear- the way it should
be for a Wide depth image.
This is another example of Wide Depth
Of Field because you can see
the entire city for the sky,
it's also very clear a wide angle has been
used to capture this image.
Wide Depth of field:
Examples of Wide Depth of Fields are, Landscapes where it focuses on the whole image and you can see the entire frame. Wide angles are when you can see more of the surroundings and can capture the whole shot- these are mainly used in Wide Depth Of Field images. In Wide depth of field images the F-stop is very high- for example F22 would be used so everything would be very clear and enough light can be used as possible.

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