Shutter speed: 1/125 F-stop: 9.0 |
Shutter speed: 1/125 F-stop: 9.0 |
Due to being ill, I missed the lesson on Tuesday 26th November, so when someone was round, I went out around town to take photos of her. I really enjoyed this because I was given the chance to put my portraiture knowledge from last lesson including landscapes in the background. When taking photos, I found myself using a lot of Alec Soth's work- including the whole body and landscape surround- to tell a story (as shown on the top left hand image on this blog). However I also used Thomas Ruff's work, just instead of a plain background, I had a landscape/ objects instead (as shown on the top right hand image on this blog).
A photo I like from this shoot...
I really like this image because it's a simple dead pan but shows not only the background, but the whole body. I tried as much as possible to center her head on the top line of third. I also like the simplicity of this image, I didn't want her to sit on the very top step because otherwise she would have looked too close to the door, which I didn't want. The shutter speed I used here was 1/125 and the F-stop was 9.0. Most of my images from this photo shoot had the same camera settings, I should have had a wider range although I did change the ISO.
A photo I don't like from this shoot...
If I were to re-do this task again, I would definitely make sure that all my images were taken during the day so I don't need to use the flash because not only does this wash out the subject, it also removes the landscape/ objects behind it. I would also vary my camera settings a lot more to get a variety of different images. I would also like to position my subject further away from an object (for example position them away from the wall) so I can manually focus my image, making the background out of focus and my subject in focus. Examples of way I would like to progress my work are shown below...