During today's lesson, I took on my research from the lesson on Tuesday as inspiration and went out in town to take photos in Ansel Adam's style. I really like his technique of taking would look like simple images, putting a black and white filter on it, burning a part of it, and it looks so intriguing. I also used a tripod for this lesson, one of the first times I have actually done this, apart from in the studio. This made my images so much better! (well in my opinion anyway) This is because it meant I was able to show straight lines and depth very clearly and easily as I could position my camera straight.
A photo from today's shoot that I like...
I really like this image from today's shoot because I like the straight lines and the depth portraying in this. I also like how the graffiti creates a run down look. This was a really dreary day and it was really cold, this is why I think the black and white effect works really well.
A photo from today's shoot that I don't like...
I don't really like this image because I think the burning of the image didn't work well at all and should have been at the bottom of the photo instead of the side. I also don't like how it's head on yet the main building in the photo is slanted. If I was going to get the "ultimate" head on photo, I would have needed everything to be straight even that building. It would also be better if it was in the middle more.
Even though these images can count as landscapes, I do not think they relate to Ansel Adams as much as I had wanted, this is because his images captures things such as mountains. Although, the number of mountains are pretty low in Harlow, so old run down building was the best I could really do. However if I were able to do so, I would like to take photos relating to Ansel Adams much more! For example a beach or a forest. I also like skyline landscapes images so would like to include this in my work. Example of progression are shown below.
Progression put in place...