Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Reflection Straight Images

This is the image unedited. For some reason the along the sides went very bright. This was a photo of a camera screen. I really like the way this happened accidentally and you can still see the reflection of my camera from the screen. Another reason for why I like this is because it's really simple yet it shows reflection very well.

 This is another photo which I have chosen for my Straight images because the reflection shows more than the actual objects. Also, because the reflection is more faded, it's as if the leg isn't even there (which it isn't). The burliness of the reflection makes this a better photo because it clearly shows to the audience how reflection can change the perspective of the object with out it being directly manipulated.

 The fact that this is a simple sign may suggest to some that this is a boring photo with no relevance. However, if you focus more on the image, you can see how reflection is shown on the water. A reason why I like this photo is because if the actual object was hidden the reflection on the water might be harder to understand that it is a sign. Most of the sign is missing which supports my view of how the reflection can change perspectives of an object, much like we tend to do when we first glace at a photo- we miss-interpret things wrong at times.

 This is a simple way of showing reflection, however the reflection
on this photo is just of lighting as you are unable to actually make out any objects. The main reason why I like this photo is because the focus on the nails makes reflection very clear- blurring out the back ground. Also, the way the reflections are just in lines going down the nail shows the viewer where the lighting is.

This is a final image that I really like on showing reflection because I like the way that the image is copied almost half and half. One half is the "Real-life" and the other half is the reflected. I really like the way the reflection is much darker and blurrier than the other. The fact you can focus on the stones on one side and not the other- the same with the feet, shows a clear division. I also like how this image could be a before and after editing photo due to the element of reflection.

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