Monday 22 February 2016

Connecting essay 5

This is a photo which I got from the internet. The reason I chose it is because I think it's beautiful to look at. The subject seems to be gazing into the distance with a natural background. Another reason I really like this is because the face progressively disappears and the natural image becomes more dominant.   

This is an image which I shot and edited them both together. I really like how my subject is looking over her shoulder and looking down, it creates a distant atmosphere- as in she is lost in thought. This image also shows both images throughout the photo- more dominate in certain places but I still really like this image.
These two images connect because the concept are both the same- showing two images blended together. Even though the one from the internet progresses both ways in the dominance in what image is shown and then my version is the same throughout, they both hold the nature and beautiful aspect of photography. They both also creates a serenity and tranquil atmosphere. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a very strong and creative image outcome, well done, I suggest you use it for your portfolio...
