Tuesday 2 February 2016

Connecting essay 1

I decided to choose this image from the internet because I believe it is really eye drawing and intriguing as it conveys many different elements. These consist on tone colour and shape. The tone is shown through the different shades within the eye. The colour are shown through the strips of the eye and also the eye shadow which is on the eye lid. Also there is muted colour of red through the veins across the eye ball. The shape of the eye is the most drawing part because it is very wide- as if the subject is shocked. As this is the main concept of the image it is almost as if the photographer has positioned it so the black pupil is in the center- as if this person is looking at the viewer.

The photograph which I shot and chose is one I shot for progression of colour. I used this because it shows the pure colour within the eye, along side the muted colour of the veins- much like the one above. This image also shows colour due to the leading lines of the eyelashes, pointing down towards the pupil- the main object in this image purely due to the darkness of it. Also the dark colour of the leading line of the eyebrow is important as it shapes the eye. I also like how my subjects eyes aren't wide open so much it looks like they are straining, they look calm and causal.
These two images connect due to the drawing of attention created from these images. The audience are forced to look into their eye. Looking into the pupil, the colour is then exposed to us. Even though the image online is edited with a high structure, they are both connect because tone can be shown from both.

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