Wednesday 10 February 2016

Connecting essay 2

This is an iconic image of Marilyn Monroe looking into a mirror. I chose this image because I think it is a great example of reflection because you can see her face in her reflection but not in her actual body. The way this image is in black and white helps portray a beautiful and feminine mood to this image as her skin looks so pure and fresh.  

This is an image I took of a subject looking into the mirror. I positioned her so the light is brighter as I believe this helps the femininity portray through it. Also the use of the element of reflection is a key aspect of it because you can see both the back of her head and the front of the same photo- with out having to be edited. I also like the seriousness of the image as my subject appears to be staring at herself intensely- yet you are still able to read into it.
These images connect because both of the subjects are looking into a mirror. They both also look very feminine and beauty related. I like how the element of reflection are portrayed to show both the backs of their heads and their faces.

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