Tuesday 8 December 2015

Portraiture Low key Lighting Image bank

When researching Low key lighting, I came across this image which I really liked because I believe it shows how low key lighting can be used to create a spot light on the chosen subject. In my opinion, this use of lighting is good for photo shoots on fashion magazines because it is a good way to represent feminine features. Hopefully, if given the chance, I would like to create this image. Although a problem I may encounter on this is that I may not be able to have a snoot on my light. 
I also like this image and find it inspiring because I like how she isn't looking at the camera and has her hand as part of the image- the lighting here is clearly opposite her because you can see the highlighted sections are in a wide part of her face, yet the sides are much darker. I would like the create this image, although, I may not be able to do it this time- but another time, because there will be groups of us on each part of the studio, so I won't be able to move the equipment around too much. However, I do intend to capture an image like this later on.
I normally wouldn't like a rebellious looking image such as this one, however in the case of low key lighting, I actually find this a rather inspiring photo because the hood is creating a shadow around the face- making the mid section, around his nose much brighter. I would like to create an image like this, although I believe it would only work with a male subject because the angry glare of the eyes and stern facial expression would work much better if it came from a man. 
Much like the image above, this is a sort of rebellious image, just in a different way. I find this image inspiring, however I wouldn't like my subject to be smoking because I do not think that makes an image any better. Excluding the cigarette, I would like the create this image because I believe the lighting really helps create masculine features on his face. I also like how he is facing head on because it makes the change in lighting very clear across the face. 
I really like this image because I believe the female glance is very clearly shown here. I also like how the lighting conveys her cheek bones very well. Not only this but the editing works really well in this image because the majority of the images that I found whilst researching were in black and white, or the ones in colour didn't look as good as they could have. Although I believe this image works really well. 
This is another example of how lighting can be used to show the masculine aspect because you can see his jaw line very clearly, alongside the frown of the eyebrows, and the shoulders are seen to have muscle on. I also like how only one side of his face is clearly visible in comparison to the other half.

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